Dermal Fillers

Dermal fillers are used to soften unwanted wrinkles and lines, as well as add volume or change shape of certain areas. Dermal fillers consist of Hyaluronic acid (HA) often mixed with a small amount of Lignocaine (local anaesthetic). HA is a naturally occurring substance that plays a key role in keeping our skin turgor and hydrated. It is used in a synthetic form in dermal fillers. As we get older the store of HA diminishes, leaving our skin less well supported and so lines and wrinkles develop.

Your questions answered

By lifting and smoothing targeted folds and wrinkles and adding volume, dermal fillers can make an enormous difference to a person’s appearance, giving them a more youthful look. Once in the skin, fillers also assist in the production of new collagen, improve the natural texture and elasticity of skin, improve hydration and prevent it from sagging.

Treatment usually involves an application of a local anaesthetic cream or local infiltration of anaesthesia to the treated area. Dermal filler is injected into the area once it’s numb.

We use a range of premium dermal fillers products that can help you achieve the desired result. It will depend on the area being treated as to which product is used.

Treatment times vary depending on the amount of dermal fillers required and the area treated, but generally takes about 45 to 60 minutes.
Treatment with dermal fillers sometimes can take more than one session to achieve the best results. The first treatment lays the foundation for the subsequent treatments, and future treatments allow for any adjustments to be made.

The initial treatment typically requires the greatest volume of filler. Following this, we typically are only required to perform top-ups to maintain the desired long-term outcome.

Generally, there is a minimal downtime and most people return to their normal activities later in the day. There may be some temporary swelling and bruising following the procedure, which can be easily camouflaged by makeup in most cases.

Patients can safely go back to their normal routine after the procedure, as long as they avoid strenuous activities and excessive sun exposure.

There are very few risks associated with dermal fillers when used by an experienced doctor who knows the facial anatomy well. Allergic reactions and major vascular trauma are extremely rare, as are infections. Dermal fillers have been used for cosmetic reasons for over 20 years.
The effect of most dermal fillers lasts between 6 to 18 months. There is a tendency for fillers to last less in people who are smokers or are engaged in vigorous physical exercise programs.
The cost of dermal fillers depends on the amount used per session and the area being treated. Each patient is unique and has individual treatment requirement. This is assessed during the initial consultation with the treating doctor. A treatment plan will be created for each patient based upon their budget and clinical improvement they are wanting to achieve.

What areas can be treated with dermal fillers?

  • Lip augmentation
  • Cheek Augmentation
  • Tear Troughs (dark circles around eyes)
  • Naso-labial folds (nose to mouth lines)
  • Marionette lines/jowls (lines around mouth)
  • Frown lines

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01932 422498

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