Skin Concerns

Skin Lesions
Skin Tags and Polyps
Epidermoid and Pilar Cysts
Cherry Spots
Seborrhoeic Keratoses

Skin Lesions

There are many skin conditions that result in unsightly blemishes. Whilst most of these are benign (not cancerous) they may be cause for individual concern or cosmetically undesirable. The treatment for most small benign skin lesions is no longer available on the NHS.

All our doctors have many years of experience and use recognised and approved techniques. Dr Popelyuk has a special interest in minor surgery and has over 15 years of experience.

Skin tags and Polyps

Skin tags and polyps are extremely common especially around the neck and armpits. They may be numerous and unsightly and can rub and cause soreness. Most can be quickly and safely removed by electrocautery or Cryopen, although larger lesions may need formal excision.


Warts are mostly caused by infection with human papilloma virus. Most will resolve spontaneously within 3-6 months. Various treatment options exist, including freezing (Cryopen) applying salicylic acid and surgery. Curettage is a good treatment for warts, which have a narrow base, keeping scarring to a minimum.


Most people have moles which are invariably benign and not troublesome. Sometimes they cause cosmetic problems and you may prefer to have them removed even though they are not cancerous. Moles are removed by shave excision and cautery, or ellipse excision and suturing. Pigmented lesions are usually sent for histological analysis.

Epidermoid and Pilar Cysts

Cysts usually result from a blocked gland in the skin causing a small rounded lump to develop and get slowly bigger. They may become cosmetically unsightly but otherwise are not troublesome. There is however a risk that they can discharge smelly material or become infected and form an abscess. They often occur on the head, neck and upper chest and back. They are removed by formal excision.


Lipomas are benign tumours of fat cells and commonly occur around the body. They present as localised, discreet soft lumps. They can cause discomfort and are tender if knocked and can enlarge and become very prominent or cause pressure symptoms. They are removed by formal excision. Very large lipomas are not suitable for removal under local anaesthetic and are not treated by us here at the clinic.

Cherry Spots

Cherry spots are small bright red spots, sometimes slightly raised and often develop on the trunk or face respectively, but can occur anywhere. They are small abnormalities of the tiny blood vessels in the skin. Again, they rarely cause problems but can be unsightly. We can offer fast, simple and effective treatment.

Seborrhoeic Keratoses

These benign pigmented lesions usually appear in middle age and are most commonly multiple. They are very superficial warty, crusty lesions, which often itch or catch in clothing and can be unsightly. They are best removed by curettage and cautery or Cryopen.

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